Bass Upfront – Apollos Ghost
David Sutkin Bio
Hailing from Brooklyn, NY, David Sutkin is a bass player with over four decades of experience. This journey started when he was 12, inspired by advice from his jazz saxophonist father, who said, “If you always want to work, be a bass player with solid chops.” And work he did.
In the music scene, David is a crucial member of the Brooklyn-based band Apollos Ghost which has three albums and another in the works.
But David’s contributions to the bass community don’t stop there. In 2021 he founded Bass Upfront on Facebook, a group aimed at connecting bass players, luthiers, and music enthusiasts. This inclusive, respectful platform has over 15,000 members and is growing constantly. Thanks to the efforts of David and his team Bass Upfront looks set to be the next big thing in the world of the bass guitar.
Looking ahead, David plans to grow the community further. He hopes to travel, exploring global music cultures and amplifying Bass Upfront through a new website, a YouTube channel, and a stronger Instagram presence.
For anyone interested in bass and seeking a vibrant community, David encourages joining the Bass Upfront Facebook group. It’s a hub for bass discussions, performances, and knowledge sharing, making it a go-to place for bass enthusiasts.