Director, company founder and "fount of all knowledge..."
Chris began building guitars at the age of 14 and built his first bass in 1968. After school he trained as an Engineer, studied Social Sciences at Durham University and worked as a musician and guitar tech’ before founding Overwater in 1979. Since then he and his teams have gone on to build more than 4000 instruments in the UK. Responsible for all technical and design aspects of production, final set-up and QC – and along side Kirsty and Steve handles sales and customer relations.

Director, accounts, admin and strategic planning.
In addition to her administrative and accounting roles, Kirsty is also resposible for stock control, shipping logistics and customer relations – and does all our studio photography…

Senior Luthier and Production Manager

Web Design, IT & E-commerce
Stu has been associated with Overwater since he was a student of Graphic Design in the early 2000’s, he is responsible for web design, takes care of our IT needs and oversees technical aspects of our digital marketing.
And for the rest of his time, he’s Head of Technology for Scotts Bass Lessons.

Haydn Williams
Specialist woodwork, CNC Design, Programming & Machining

Alan & Sam
Hardware Design & Manufacture

John East
Electronic Design & Manufacture