Nick Laughlin
Bio / CV
Nick studied music at Surrey University and went to on play in UK tours of Scrooge the Musical and Evita. Since then he has been performing and recording anything from country to cabaret. Whilst working in the West End and on tour he has performed in a variety of shows including Scottsboro Boys (Garrick Theatre), Gypsy (Savoy Theatre), Ghost (Picadilly Theatre), Matilda (Cambridge Theatre), Sweeney Todd (Adelphi Theatre) and Lion King (Lyceum Theatre), Bugsy Malone (Hammersmith Lyric).
Notable musicians/bands/shows you have played for/with/in?
Scottsboro Boys Garrick Theatre, Evita UK tour, Depping on various west end and touring shows including Lion King, Matilda, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Gypsy, Ghost, Sweeney Todd, Anything Goes, Mary Poppins, Hairspray.
Which model Overwater bass do you play?
J Series 5 Custom
Why do you choose to play Overwater basses?
Fantastic versatile sound! Solidly built and easy to play.
How long have you owned an Overwater bass?
Since 2016.